  • 期刊

Relationship Between Grip Strength and Radial Bone Mineral Density in Normal Elderly Males




影響骨質密度的眾多因子之中,肌力被認為是呈正相關的影響因子。本研究目的乃探討握力與橈骨骨質密度的關係,對象是65歲以上的正常老年男性。共蒐集49位平均年齡71.1歲的自願受測者。分別以手握式測力器(hand-held dynamometer)測量其雙手的等長性握力(isometricg grip strength);及以Dual Energy X-rayAbsorptiometry(DEXA)測量雙手的橈骨中段及橈骨遠端的骨質密度。統計結果顯示在慣用手及非慣用手的橈骨骨質密度與握力呈有意義的正相關。而體重與橈骨骨質密度則沒有顯著相關。另外,我們比較生活型態好動型/文靜型(life-style active/sedentary group)及抽煙/不抽煙者的 橈骨骨質密度。統計結果顯示生活型態好動型/文靜型兩組的橈骨骨質密度有統計意義的差異。而抽煙/不抽煙者的橈骨骨質密度則無統計意義的差異。我們的結論是:握力可為正常老年男性橈骨骨質密度的預測因子,且日常生活的活動度多寡是為決定骨質密度的重要因素之一。




The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between grip strength and bone mineral density (BMD ) in normal elderly males who were subject to senile osteoporosis. We examined grip strength and BMD in 49 healthy volunteer males, aged 65-80 years-old ( mean age : 71.1 + 3.9 y/o). Radial BMD was measured in the distal and middle radius by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry ( DEXA ). Isometric grip strength was assessed with a hand-held dynamometer for both forearms. A significant positive correlation was found between radial BMD and grip strength in both dominant and non-dominant forearms. Meanwhile, no significant correlation existed between body weight and radial BMD. In addition, we also compared the radial BMD between life style active/ sedentary groups, and smoker/ non-smoker groups. The two-tail paired t-test showed significant difference between life style active/sedentary groups, but no significant difference between smoker/non-smoker groups. We conclude that grip strength can be a predictor of radial BMD in elderly men, and habitual physical activity is one of the major determinants of BMD especially for aged male subjects.


grip strength bone density osteoporosis
