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Effects of Ethylene and GA3 Contents on the Prothallial Development of Adiantum tenerum 'Scutum Roseum' Cultured in Vitro



於無菌培養基中添加ACC、AOA、硝酸銀以及活性炭等,研究其對瓶內乙烯濃度與脆鐵線蕨原葉體發育之影響。添加不同濃度之ACC(25, 50, 100 μM)、AOA(0.5 μM)或硝酸銀(100 and 200 μM)之原葉體鮮重較未添加這些藥劑者低,但並不會增加或減少瓶內乙烯的含量。培養基中添加1或2gL^(-1)活性炭處理者,其原葉體的鮮重、乾重與瓶內乙烯含量較未添加活性炭處理者高;但添加1或2gL^(-1)活性炭處理者於撒播後8wk,原葉體乾重已不再增加且瓶內的乙烯含量亦降低。由迥歸分析得知:於無添加ACC、AOA、硝酸銀或活性炭的對照組中,撒播後每瓶原葉體鮮重增加至10g時,瓶內乙烯含量亦增加至0.6 μLL^(-1)。於含0.1-10 mgL^(-1) GA3之培養基中,原葉體發育階段在未形成頂端分生組織前,即有藏精器的分化。若培養基中添加0.01-10mgL^(-1)之GA3抑制脆鐵線蕨原葉體的生長;100mgL^(-1)之GA3處理者抑制孢子發芽。


脆鐵線蕨 原葉體 乙烯 激勃素


The effects of ACC, AOA, silvernitrate, and activated charcoal on the ethylene content and prothallial development of Adiantum tenerum 'Scutum Roseum' cultured in vitro were studied. Supplementation with ACC (25, 50, and 100 μM), AOA (0.5 μM), or AgNO3 (100 and 200 μM) reduced the fresh weight of prothallia but did not affect ethylene production, as compared with the treatments without adding these chemicals. The addition of 1 or 2gL^(-1) of activated charcoal produced higher fresh and dry weights and ethylene production than did treatments without activated charcoal. However, the prothallia began to brown and ethylene production decreased in the 1 or 2gL^(-1) activated charcoal treatments after spore sowing for 8wk. Regression analysis on the control treatments revealed that ethylene production increased up to 0.6 μLL^(-1) with increasing prothallial fresh weight up to 10 g per vase. Supplementary GA3 at 0.1-10 mg L^(-1) reduced the length and width of prothallia but promoted the formation of antheridia, which were observed in the young gametophytes prior to the apical meristem initiation stage. Increasing GA3 to 100 mg L^(-1) prevented spore germination.


