  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of a Patient with Newly Diagnosed Acute Myeloid Leukemia




This report described the nursing experience of a 21 years old patient who first time being informed the diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia. This paper reported how the patient reacted mentally and physically to the diagnosis and treatment, how he adjusted himself, and the pressures suffered by his family during his hospitalization. The caring period was from June 192004 to August 12004. Five major nursing problems were identified using Gordon's functional health assessment guide. They were altered oral mucous membrane, potential risk for infection, disturbed body image, anxiety, and ineffective family coping problems. Nursing intervention programs included using dental floss and mouth wash gargling to maintain oral hygiene and improve the healing of oral mucous membrane, putting on mask in the crowd to avoid infection, encouraging a positive attitude toward and understanding of his own body to reconstruct his new ego and face the future, providing his family with the information about his treatment and prognosis to reduce their anxiety, and establishing mutual trust relationship with his family through empathy and respect. This experience provided nursing staff with a reference to care for similar patients in the future.
