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Seng-Chao's Philosophy of Thorough Reality-A Theoretical Discussion Based on "Bu-zhen-kong-lun"




自性 實體 不真 實相


Using theoretical discussion as the research method, this study attempts to explore the philosophical viewpoints contributed by Seng-chao in connection with "thorough reality". This study adopts "Bu-zhen-kong-lun" as the major reference literature, besides other essays written by Seng-chao. This study stresses that, assuming all people across the world have possibly understood the very significance of "thorough reality", Seng-chao comes to conclude that it is unlikely to identify the reality of the rules governing the cosmos simply by the facts and phenomena distorted by consciousness. Most truly, the reality lies in the very bottom of phenomena. The bottom per se acts like a network in which the interdependent relationship lies. Therefore, the most profound meaning of reality has to be manifested through emptiness. Here comes a question. If there is no way to express the meaning of thorough reality by the languages made up of words and concepts, how can people like us understand it? This is the answer-Seng-chao uses "unreality" as a guided concept to solve the problem. He argued that all things are unreal and are not an entity that remains unchanged permanently. His viewpoint helps the Buddhism researchers to be enlightened with the "emptiness" manifested by "unreality". This is how Seng-chao helps people like us to find out the real behind all things. From a doer's standpoint, the essence of "reality" entails the comprehension of "unreality/untruthfulness attesting emptiness", which is objectively expressed as the most marvelous land in which all interdependent relationships occur and perish one after another without consideration to whether any relationship is true or false, unreal or real, being or not-being, born or dead.


未詳譯者,《別譯雜阿含經》;《大正藏》冊 2
東晉.瞿曇僧伽提婆譯,《中阿含經》;《大正藏》冊 1
劉宋.天竺三藏求那跋陀羅譯,《雜阿含經》;《大正藏》冊 2
姚秦.鳩摩羅什譯,《小品般若波羅蜜經》;《大正藏》冊 8
姚秦.鳩摩羅什譯,《摩訶般若波羅蜜經》;《大正藏》冊 8
