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Designing a Tag-Based Statistical Math Word Problem Solver with Reasoning and Explanation


This paper proposes a tag-based statistical framework to solve math word problems with understanding and reasoning. It analyzes the body and question texts into their associated tag-based logic forms, and then performs inference on them. Comparing to those rule-based approaches, the proposed statistical approach alleviates rules coverage and ambiguity resolution problems, and our tag-based approach also provides the flexibility of handling various kinds of related questions with the same body logic form. On the other hand, comparing to those purely statistical approaches, the proposed approach is more robust to the irrelevant information and could more accurately provide the answer. The major contributions of our work are: (1) proposing a tag-based logic representation such that the system is less sensitive to the irrelevant information and could provide answer more precisely; (2) proposing a unified statistical framework for performing reasoning from the given text.


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