  • 期刊


Sinus Augmentation into Sites with Mucosal Pathologies of Maxillary Sinus




Sinus augmentation procedures are commonly used to increase bone height and to facilitate implant placement in the maxillary posterior areas. Mucosal pathologies in maxillary sinuses including mucosal thickening and retention cysts, associated or not associated with sinusitis, are occasionally found on the dental radiographs or computed tomographic (CT) films. These are traditionally considered as contraindications for sinus lifting procedures. This report, however, presents two cases in which sinus lifting surgery were performed in patients with mucosal pathologies of maxillary sinuses. The first case presented a 47-year-old female patient with an asymtomatic retention cyst in her left maxillary sinus. The second case was a 55-year-old male patient presented with bilateral thickened Schneiderian membrane and mild symptoms of sinusitis. In both cases, sinus lift and grafting procedures with lateral approach were successfully performed, without subsequent complications in the sinuses and grafted sites.
