  • 期刊


Reducing the Incident Density of Pressure Injury in Hematology-Oncology Wards




Patients at the hematology-oncology wards are prone to develop pressure injury because of frailty due to prolonged bed-ridden status, which was a result of immunosuppression by chemotherapy or bone marrow transplantation. In out unit, the density of pressure injury increased from 0.17% in 2013 to 0.30% in 2014; therefore, we thus expected this project could effectively reduce the occurrence of stress injury. Causes of this situation included: (1) A lack of awareness and knowledge regarding pressure injury. (2) Insufficient skills for assessing and staging pressure injury. (3) Poor execution of necessary procedures for preventing pressure injury. (4) Inadequate injury-preventing devices. Strategies of improvement included intensification of on-job training for staff members and trainers, enhancement of knowledge and skills related to injury prevention, auditing of injury-preventing practices, timely intervention with pressure-preventing devices, improvement of education efficacy by applying relevant diagrams, pictures and videos, and employment of multidisciplinary team resource management. These strategies reduced the density of pressure injury from 0.30% to 0.12%, which reached the goal and was well sustained. We concluded that our program provides evidence and useful guidance to enhance the quality of nursing care for the prevention of pressure injury.


hematology-oncology pressure injury


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