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Assessment of the Course of 'Health Promotion' in General Education




Health Promotion is one of the major general education courses at National Taiwan University College of Medicine (NTUCOM). Course objectives are to teach students to understand, evaluate and manage common health problems. The contents of the health promotion course are related to chronic diseases, cancers, accidents, premarital health examinations, college student sex education, psychosomatic disorders, drug abuse and introduction to other common diseases. This study is based on student questionnaire results obtained in 1996 regarding course impression, opinion, study achievement and possible outcome affecting factors. Most students considered themselves to have a general understanding of these topics from newspapers and the mass media. Students have different opinions regarding self— rated difficulty level, course length, teaching content, and study achievement. Statistics have shown that the differences regarding the understanding of the topics before each class, perception of course difficulty level, and expected teaching hours have no significant influence on study achievement. Positive influencing factors included creative teaching by using interactive teaching skills, adequate teaching material and the use of real life examples. Negative influenc factors included insufficient teaching content, lack of practical examples, inadequate use of special terms, etc. We conclude that: 1) The teaching of general education courses should be taught differently depending on different topics. For those topics where students have a good understanding, interactive teaching format is a good choice. 2) Didactic teaching format is not effective in teaching general education courses. 3) The amount of teaching material should be individually considered for different topics. 4) Students prefer a small class, interactive teaching format. Efforts for course improvement may be focused on modification of teaching format, skills, course contents and class size.
