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A Clinical Skills Resources Center: The Experience at Taipei Veterans General Hospital




Since the Clinical Skills Resources Center was founded on February 19, 2003 at Taipei Veterans General Hospital, we have faced many challenges. These included the organizing period, the opening period and the running period. This article shares more than three years of these experiences in this area with you. During the organizing period, we had to assess the future needs in terms of curriculum capacity and then to appropriate available space, design the infrastructure, recruit qualified staff and purchase equipment. After a benchmarking visit to the University of Liverpool, we determined to use their Skill Laboratory as the blueprint to design for our own center. Three senior registered nurses, who were experienced in emergency medicine nursing and or intensive care, were recruited as full-time staff at the center to manage and design the teaching programs. The allocated space was designed to be multi-functional so that use was effective, flexible and pleasant. Clear-cut guidelines were set out so that they could be readily understood by users, which allowed them to enjoy a warm and friendly learning environment. Since the staff took triple responsibility for program design, management and tutoring, continuing education for them has become an important mission. The center also has established a mechanism to ensure that there are continuing efforts made to bring about ongoing improvements in the programs that the center provides.


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