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Recent Advances in Medical Simulation


醫學模擬訓練(medical simulation)僅有20餘年的歷史,從最早的自製模具至目前昂貴的病人模擬器(human patient simulator)的廣泛使用,醫學模擬訓練正在快速發展。全球各地醫學院及教學醫院均相繼成立醫學模擬訓練中心,相關的學會亦紛紛創立。在各方加強臨床醫學模擬訓練的環境中,已逐漸確認醫學模擬訓練有助提升急重症及困難狀況的照護品質。醫學教育界均認為醫學模擬訓練是培育醫療照護者必要的環節。美國畢業後醫學教育評鑑委員會已推薦住院醫師訓練應加入醫學模擬訓練;而英、美、加等先進國家亦已應用醫學模擬訓練於醫師考試之中。在國內,醫學模擬訓練的起步遠較先進國家緩慢,了解及參與醫學模擬訓練的教師寥寥可數,故推廣醫學模擬訓練應被我國醫學教育界視為重要而迫切的議題。


Medical simulation is a young discipline in medical education and has a history of only about 2 decades. Early in 1980s, only homemade material was available for simulation courses, in contrast to the numerous commercial simulation systems that can be easily accessed today. Although high-fidelity human patient simulators are extremely expensive, those simulators have been widely used in many training centers across the world. In addition, several associations of medical simulation have been founded and the first issue of an official journal of the Society of Medical Simulation was published in January 2006. As medical simulation can effectively improve the quality of training in emergency medicine and critical care, it is believed that lives and organs have been saved indirectly by medical simulation. Therefore, medical simulation should be considered to be an essential part of both undergraduate and postgraduate medical education. Furthermore, medical simulation has become a part of the national licensing examinations in United Kingdom, United States and Canada. In Taiwan, the implementation of medical simulation has fallen far behind that of the western countries and only a very few educators understand and are involved in medical simulation. How to promote medical simulation has become an important and urgent issue in medical education in Taiwan.


Cooper JB,Taqueti VR(2004).A brief history of the development of mannequin simulators for clinical education and training.Qual Saf Health Care.13,11-18.
Bradley P(2006).The history of simulation in medical education and possible future directions.Med Educ.40,254-262.
Dillon GF,Boulet JR,Hawkins RE(2004).Simulations in the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE).Qual Saf Health Care.13,41-45.



