



Objective: Shaken baby syndrome (SBS) is considered as one of the most serious forms of child physical abuse, and has drawn much attention from clinical workers and researchers. Without appropriate careful detection and diagnosis, infants or young children with SBS might be ignored. Case reports: We report two children who were admitted for investigation of subdural and retinal hemorrhage at a general hospital. The diagnosis of SBS was made based on findings from physical and laboratory examinations and brain CT scans. Physicians involved in the treatment included psychiatrists, pediatricians, and radiologists. The possible explanations for SBS in these two cases included baby's irritability, alcohol abuse, martial problems and habitual violence by adults. Conclusion: We find that, in severe infant abuse cases resulting in permanent injury or death, and inappropriate infant caring and poor social economic status are potential risk factors. Findings from these two cases indicate the need for comprehensive assessment of the perpetrators and their family members and appropriate preventive strategies.


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