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What Is Happening in the Mental Health System in Japan: Some Observations





In the past three decades, there have been a major shift in psychiatry and mental health services in Japan. They are a shift from hospital-centered services to community-based services, an increase in number of co-professional mental health manpower especially in the categories psychiatric social workers, a development of national mental health policies, paying more attention to human right s of persons with mentally ill, an increase in interchanges from Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology with international psychiatric colleagues since 2002, etc. The introduction of new psychotropic drugs has contributed for community based psychiatry to become the main stream of services. The path has been somewhat different in Japan. In addition, Japan has built an enormous number of privately owned psychiatric hospitals since late 1960s. Japan at present owns the biggest number of psychiatric beds in the world. The bed number in South Korea has also rapidly been increased in recent years. They are often called as ”Asian exception in psychiatry.” Finally, I shall discuss some important improvement in the context of those described changes in Japanese psychiatry.


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