  • 期刊


The Impact of Adult Children Caring for Their Disabled Older Parents: A Quantitative Exploration



本研究嘗試以修正的老人照顧壓力模式探討成年子女在照顧時所可能產生的後果。另外,本研究除了上述目的外,更想瞭解其影響後果是不是只有負面的經驗?或亦有正面的影響?成人子女如何因應照顧的負荷?照顧的影響是否受子女性別、子女與家庭的關係或家庭功能、因應模式或照顧工作的性質所影響? 本研究以台北市為研究地域,共成功面訪353份問卷。主要在了解成年子、女照顧後果的差異。根據統計分析結果,歸納出以下結果。成年子女照顧者並不會因為性別、年齡、教育程度、工作狀況、宗教信仰、排行、與老人是否同住的差異,而在與照顧工作項目和主觀受干擾程度有所不同。家庭功能方面,除了女兒的家庭比較不喜歡接受親、友的幫助,其他方面並無不同。壓力因應方面,女兒比較會尋求情緒性與工具性的社會支持和宗教信仰的寄託;兒子則比較會使用積極面對的方式,也就是屬於以問題為焦點的因應策略。照顧影響方面,女兒表達了較多負面的身體與心理的影響;兒子則比較會拒絕向親友表達其心中的感受,但在其他方面的影響則無性別上的差異。社會資源使用方面,成年子、女並無差異。另外,有使用照顧資源或是有尋求照顧協助的照顧者,其在照顧管理方面均比較好。 家庭功能對照顧的影響方面,家庭角色清楚、協調解決問題的家庭,其照顧者比較不會有負面的身體心理影響。照顧者若童年與父母關係良好,不僅能獲得學習與感情依附,且對於照顧的管理比較好。壓力因應策略對照顧的影響方面,使用負面策略的照顧者,其負面的身體心理影響也會增加;而會使用正向的因應策略的照顧者,比較會覺得獲得學習的機會,而且感情也較能得到依附。尋求正向因應與求助宗教的照顧者,其能力感比較會增加。會尋求社會支持的照顧者,其照顧管理也較好。


Studies of the impact of elder-caregiving consistently report negative outcomes. Attempts to understand these findings have frequently focused on the traditional stress models which include three key components. The first is the stressor. The second is resources. The third is the stress outcome. However, this kind of approach is criticized. Abel (1990), Braithwaite (1996) and Szmukler (1996) suggest that the family relationship (family functioning or family dynamics) be incorporated in the stress paradigm. The modified model will have the chance to understand how the culture and history of a family may influence the caregiving outcomes. In this study, caregiving tasks, caregiving resources (including coping strategies) as well as dimensions of family relationship will be examined to see how these concepts influence caregiving outcomes. Survey research with face to face interview was employed. Feelings and experiences of 353 adult-children using structured questionnaires were collected. The findings indicated that some personal resources in terms of sociodemographic characteristics and coping strategies, social resources, stressors (caregiving tasks and hassels), and family relationships do have influences on caregiving impacts. Finally practice implication is discussed.


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