  • 期刊


Cyclists’ Behavior and Their Needs of Transferring the Public Transportation System


受到自行車運動風潮的影響,自行車已不再單純只是交通運輸工具。特別是在臺灣,人們藉由自行車來 從事休閒、運動與旅遊活動,自行車運動觀光儼然已成為國內最流行的休閒活動。為了積極拓展自行車運動觀光,應鼓勵自行車使用者離開平時的活動範圍,此需配合大眾運輸系統所提供之轉乘服務。本文之研究目的是為瞭解自行車騎乘者轉乘大眾運輸系統之行為與需求,本文彙整並分析國內外之相關研究,研究結果發現轉乘時間與距離、轉乘環境與設施、增加轉乘優惠、增設自行車道、自行車停車設施以及提升轉乘服務等 因素,均能提高自行車使用者轉乘大眾運輸系統的意願。若能將自行車的慢速特性結合「慢遊」的旅遊趨勢,並搭配大眾運輸系統的轉乘接駁,將能促進我國自行車運動觀光更加蓬勃發展。


綠色運具 運動觀光 慢遊


Influenced by the trend of cycling, bicycles are no longer simply a mode of transportation. In Taiwan, people engage in leisure, sport, and tourist activities via bicycles; cycling has thus become one of the most popular leisure activities. In order to further develop cycling sports tourism, cyclists need to be encouraged to explore new routes using the transfer service in the public transportation system. The purpose of this paper was to understand cyclists’ behavior and their needs of transferring the service transportation system. This paper summarized and analyzed relevant domestic and foreign literature. Findings revealed that transfer time and distance, environment and facilities, ticket discount, bicycle lanes, parking facilities, and the improved overall service can all enhance cyclists’ intention to utilize the public transfer service. If promoters can further associate "slow speed" cycling with the trend of "slow travel" and combine it with the transfer service in the public transportation system, it will better stimulate the development of cycling sports tourism in Taiwan.


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