  • 期刊


A Systematic Review of Effectiveness Indicators for the Tele-home Care in Adults with Chronic Diseases



隨著人口老化,健康照護資源的負荷會隨著慢性疾病人口增加而更加明顯,因此使用網路通訊科技的遠距照護已成為長期照護服務的主要趨勢。故本文旨在以系統性文獻回顧方式搜尋2000-2010年間,MEDLINE和CINAHL的英文資料庫中,以遠距居家照護為主要介入措施之臨床性實驗性研究,共有27篇相關文章,但只有8篇為隨機控制實驗(Randomized Control Trial, RCT)。彙整後發現,有6篇文章其照護成效呈正向結果,而生理監測為居家遠距照護的重要部分,亦為主要的成效指標。檢視遠距居家照護的研究對象、設備、照護內容及成效指標,將有助於遠距居家照護的推行,並提供未來研究設計及研究方向之建議。


s the population aging, there is significant strain on healthcare resources with an increasing number of people affected by chronic conditions. Using internet and communication technologies has become a mainstream trend in long-term care services. The purpose of this article was to systematic review to search literature published during 2000-2010, in MEDLINE and CINAHL databases. The articles focus on tele-home care that used randomized control trials (RCT). A total of 27 relevant articles were obtained, but only 8 articles included in the current review. The results showed 6 articles found tele-home care can deliver positive effects. The physiological monitoring was essential part in tele-home care and can have effective outcomes. In order to explore the effect of tele-home care, research subjects, tele-equipments, intervention contexts and effective indexes should be comprehensively reviewed. Results of this reviewed should help to carry out tele-home care systems and further provide design guidance and direction for future research.
