  • 期刊


Vegetable Intake Behaviors among Employees at Work-A Transtheoretical Study of the Business Associates of a Business and Management Consulting Co. Ltd.


研究目的為瞭解職場員工蔬菜攝取行為及其影響因素。 研究方法以民國九十四年與某企管顧問有限公司有業務往來之26間公司為研究母群體,進行問卷調查:共有702份有效樣本,統計方法為描述性統計、單因子多變量變異數分析與多元迴歸分析。 研究結果為研究對較蔬菜攝取行為階段30.3%屬無意圖期;27.6%屬凖備期;27.8%屬維持期,整體而言,越後面的階段其自我效能與知覺利益較高,知覺障礙較低。性別、外食頻率、蔬菜攝取自我效能與自覺飲食健康狀況為蔬菜攝取行為階段之影響因素,且自我效能為最重要之因素,解釋變異量為18.2%。綜合研究結果顯示,職場員工之外食情形非常普遍,且為影響自我效能之重要因素,而自覺飲食健康狀況則為自我效能、知覺利益與知覺障礙之重要影響因素。


The aim of this study is to explore the vegetable intake behaviors among employees at work. The sampling group of this study was consisted of the employees of twenty-six business associates of a Business and Management Consulting Co. Ltd. in 2005. The method of this study the data was analyzed with descriptive statistics, one-way multivariate analysis of variance, and multiple regression analysis. The result of this study indicated that 30.3% of the subjects were in the stage of precontemplation on vegetable consumption, while 27.6% were in the preparation stage and 27.8% in the maintenance stage. Generally, subjects in the latter stages had higher self-efficacy, higher perceived benefits, and lower perceived barriers. Gender, frequency of eating outside, self-efficacy, and self-awareness of healthy diet habits were 23.6% explanatory to the vegetable consumption. Self-efficacy was the most influential factor among all, which had 18.2% correct predicable rate. Conclusions are that dining out was a very common situation among subjects: it was also a very important factor that affected their vegetable intake behaviors, Self-awareness of healthy diet habits was a factor that affected self-efficacy, perceived benefits, and perceived barriers.
