  • 期刊


The Investment Performance of Dollar Cost Averaging with Automatic Trading Rule of Profit-taking and Position-increasing




With the development of internationalization and the promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) awareness, enterprises have paid more and more attentions to CSR topics. This study investigates the effects of CSR of the life insurance companies on corporate image and customer loyalty. By using purposive sampling, this study retrieved a total of 311 effective samples; the effective respond rate was 77.7%. Multiple regression analyses were then applied to test the hypotheses. The major findings are as follows: (1) CSR of life insurance has significantly positive influences on corporate image and customer loyalty; (2) CSR of life insurance has significantly positive influences on customer satisfaction; (3) customer satisfaction has a partial mediating effect among the life insurers' CSR, corporate image and customer loyalty. Overall, our empirical results have important practical implications for life insurance industry.


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