  • 期刊


Changes in Different Strength Testings after Eccentric-Induced Muscle Damage


This study examined five different strength testings (the angle-tension curve, strength at 90°, highest strength at 50° to 160° of elbow flexion, fast and slow speeds of isokinetic concentric strengths) following eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage. Fifty male students were recruited in the study, performing 30 eccentric actions (ECC) of the elbow flexors of 100% of maximal isometric strengths (MVC). MVC at six elbow joint angles, fast and slow speeds isokinetic concentric strengths, range of motion (ROM), upper arm circumference (CIR), serum creatine kinase activity (CK) and myoglobin concentration (Mb), and muscle soreness (SOR) were measured before and for five days following ECC. The results of this study showed that ECC resulted in significant changes (p<.05) in MVCs, isokinetic strengths, ROM, CIR, SOR, CK, and Mb, and there was not fully recovery of these measures (p<.05) five days after ECC. There were no significant differences (p>.05) among the peak strength, the highest strength, the strength at 90°, fast and slow speeds of isokinetic concentric strengths. Strengths at 90° of elbow flexion had a significantly (p<.05) positive correlation with the peak (r=.76~.94) and the highest strengths (r=.7~.92) gained from six different angles of the elbow flexion immediately after and one to five days after ECC; however there’s was no significant (p>.05) correlation between strength at 90° of elbow flexion, slow and fast isokinetic strength testing. These results suggested that the peak and highest strengths gained from six different angles of elbow flexion, and strength at 90° of elbow flexion may be regarded as a good indicator of muscle function to damaging exercise.


This study examined five different strength testings (the angle-tension curve, strength at 90°, highest strength at 50° to 160° of elbow flexion, fast and slow speeds of isokinetic concentric strengths) following eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage. Fifty male students were recruited in the study, performing 30 eccentric actions (ECC) of the elbow flexors of 100% of maximal isometric strengths (MVC). MVC at six elbow joint angles, fast and slow speeds isokinetic concentric strengths, range of motion (ROM), upper arm circumference (CIR), serum creatine kinase activity (CK) and myoglobin concentration (Mb), and muscle soreness (SOR) were measured before and for five days following ECC. The results of this study showed that ECC resulted in significant changes (p<.05) in MVCs, isokinetic strengths, ROM, CIR, SOR, CK, and Mb, and there was not fully recovery of these measures (p<.05) five days after ECC. There were no significant differences (p>.05) among the peak strength, the highest strength, the strength at 90°, fast and slow speeds of isokinetic concentric strengths. Strengths at 90° of elbow flexion had a significantly (p<.05) positive correlation with the peak (r=.76~.94) and the highest strengths (r=.7~.92) gained from six different angles of the elbow flexion immediately after and one to five days after ECC; however there’s was no significant (p>.05) correlation between strength at 90° of elbow flexion, slow and fast isokinetic strength testing. These results suggested that the peak and highest strengths gained from six different angles of elbow flexion, and strength at 90° of elbow flexion may be regarded as a good indicator of muscle function to damaging exercise.


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