  • 期刊


The Effects of Self-instruction Strategy on the Sustained Attention of Children with ADHD



注意是學習的第一步,缺乏注意力是導致ADHD兒童學業低成就和適應不佳的主要原因。持續性注意力是注意的重要向度,ADHD兒童的持續性注意程度低落,因此,如何有效增進ADHD兒童的持續性注意力,是改善其學習行為與適應能力的關鍵;自我教導策略被視為是一套實際可行,而且有效的策略。基於上述,本研究主要目的有二:(a)探討自我教導策略對增進ADHD兒童持續性注意力的成效;(b)探討ADHD兒童運用自我教導策略增進其持續性注意力的類化情形。研究採單一受試實驗設計之跨行為多基線設計,自變項為自我教導策略;依變項為持續性注意力,包括(a)持續性注意力時間(以時間長度為指標),和(b)持續性注意力品質(以完成作業百分比為指標)。參加研究對象為三名ADHD國小低、中年級兒童。研究的進行分為基線期、教學期、保留期和追蹤期四階段,資料蒐集的情境包括教學情境(資源班)和類化情境(普通班)。資料分析主要採目視分析和C統計考驗。本研究的主要結果如下:1. 在策略的習得方面,三名ADHD兒童皆習得並應用自我教導策略的步驟。2. 在教學成效方面,三名ADHD兒童在自我教導策略期間,持續性注意力皆有明顯改善。3. 在教學成效的保留方面,三名ADHD兒童在撤除教學後,各自的三個目標行為的教學成效皆獲得維持,包括立即保留和長期保留效果(撤除教學後27天);不過,立即保留效果優於長期保留效果。4. 在類化效果方面,三名ADHD兒童皆使用自我教導策略至普通班情境(類化情境),而增進其持續性注意力。綜合以上結果,ADHD兒童確實習得自我教導策略,並且應用此策略增進其持續性注意力,在教學效果、保留效果和類化效果上都有顯著成效。


The study purported to investigate the effects of the self-instruction strategy on improving the sustained attention of ADHD students. The deficits on sustained attention have been reported as one critical factor for their maladjustment in classrooms.A multiple baseline across behaviors research design was used in this study. Three students and their teachers were involved. These students were identified as ADHD and were enrolled in the first, the second, or the forth grade, respectively. Three target behaviors were chosen for each student participant. Data were collected for the students’ performance of the target behaviors in terms of the duration and the quality of the sustained attention. The data collection included videotaping, interviewing, and self-reporting. The students were taught with the self-instruction strategy in their resourcerooms, but their performance were evaluated in both their own resourcerooms (instruction situation) and general classrooms (generalization situation). Data were analyzed with visual analysis and further tested with the simplified time-series C statistic.Results of the study were reported as follows.1. All the three students with ADHD acquired the self-instruction strategy and applied the learned strategy in both the instruction situation and the generalization situation.2. All the three students with ADHD gained improvement on their own three target behaviors in terms of the duration and the quality of the sustained attention. The improved performance occurred in both the instruction situation and the generalization situation.3. All the three students with ADHD reserved their improvements on the sustained attention since the instruction were withdrawn. They showed the immediate reservation better than the long-term reservation.
