  • 期刊


Studies on the Separation and Recovery of Choline and Allantoin from Tuber of Keelong Yam (D. pseudojaponica Yamamoto) Using Adsorptive Bubble Separation (ABS)



山藥除含有大量的澱粉與蛋白質外,尚含有黏質液、膽鹼、尿囊素、皂素與礦物質等物質,為機能性食品的絕佳材料。黏質液的存在,造成山藥澱粉在加工分離上的困難,本試驗以基隆山藥(D. pseudojaponica Yamamoto)為原料,將山藥打漿後,分別使用高速離心以及泡沫分離等物理分離步驟分離山藥中之澱粉與黏質液並分析其膽鹼與尿囊素含量。試驗結果顯示,山藥生粉經泡沫分離法分離黏質液及澱粉後,含膽鹼2.21mg/g高於文獻中其他含澱粉的根莖類及種子植物。山藥中的尿囊素多以較穩定的尿囊酸形態存在,山藥生粉復水後檢測其尿囊素及尿囊酸含量分別為6.7及55.8mg/g;山藥皮中尿囊素(11.4mg/g)及尿囊酸(189.0mg/g)含量分別為山藥生粉中的尿囊素及尿囊酸1.7及3.4倍。泡沫分離法相對於離心法,在分離澱粉後能在黏質液中,回收95.5%的膽鹼以及80.0%的尿囊素及尿囊酸。


山藥 基隆山藥 膽鹼 尿囊素 尿囊酸 黏質液 泡沫分離


The tuber of yam has abundant starch, proteins, mucin, and minerals. It also contains choline, diosgenin, and allantoin, which are especially valuable and are good nutrient sources for human beings. It is difficult to separate yam starch from its tuber because of the presence of viscous mucin, which is a carbohydrate moiety firmly associated with protein (glycoprotein). The keeling yam, D. pseudojaponica Yamamoto (Keelong) was used in this study. The objective of this investigation was to utilize adsorptive bubble separation (ABS) method to separate mucilage and starch, and to increase the recovery yield of choline and allantoin from mucilage. The results showed that the content of choline in pulp is 2.21 mg/g and the allantoin and allantoic acid in pulp of yam are 6.7 mg/g and 55.8 mg/g, respectively. The allantoin is in its more stable form of allantoic acid in aqueous solution. The peel of yam is also abundant of allantoin (11.4 mg/g) and allantoic acid (189.0 mg/g) which are two and four times higher than those in pulp, respectively. Using ABS, we could separate 95.5% of choline and 80.0% of allantoin and allantoic acid from its viscous macerated liquid. ABS, which is much better than centrifugation, could produce a high yield of polysaccharides, protein, choline, allantoin, and allantoic acid from mucilage. This method is simple, low in operational and capital costs, and especially good for ingredients recovery from a dilute solution.
