  • 期刊


Attention Paid to Package Design of Instant Noodles Analyzed by Eye Movement Tracking


本研究旨在透過眼球追蹤的方式,了解人們對於包裝設計的注目性情況。以兩種速食麵包裝為例,比較在「無提示」與「有提示」狀況下,眼睛的掃描路徑(scan path)與凝視(fixation)狀況。另輔以問卷調查,測試在眼睛追蹤觀察後,對包裝設計內容的認知情況。實驗研究發現:(1)在無提示狀態下,觀察食品包裝(20秒)的平均凝視時間約為390毫秒。不同樣本間略有不同,但未達顯著差異。定止的頻次在初期階段較密集(凝視時間較短),而後逐漸減少(時間增長)。包裝凝視的對象主要在「圖像」(約佔55%);其次為「主標題」(約18%),而商標、說明文字等幾乎不受關注。(2)有意圖提示的觀察,定止的頻次比無提示多、凝視時間較短(約344毫秒),具有顯著性差異。這種差異在非設計科系學生較明顯。(3)問卷調查發現,對包裝設計標示的注目性,與凝視的事實不盡相符。對「標題」的觀察,重文意與排列的認知,較不關心(或理解)字型特徵;對「圖像」則偏重認知內容,而不關心其形態。


This study analyzed the attention people paid to different package designs by tracking their eye movement. Taking two instant noodle packages as stimuli, we compared the scan path and fixation of eyes under the conditions with and without cues given. Subjects' perception of the elements of the package design was examined using a questionnaire. Our results are as follows. (1) With no cue given, the average fixation time was about 390 ms in a 20-second observation. Difference was found between the two package designs but not significant. Fixation was found to be more frequent (shorter fixation time) in the initial stage than in the later stage. The image (55%) was the item with most attention given, followed by the main title (18%). while the brand name and texts were paid the least attention. (2) With cue given, the average fixation time was about 344 ms. Compared with those of the ”no-cue” condition, the frequency of fixation was higher and the duration of fixation was shorter. Such difference was significant among male and non-design major subjects. (3) Responses to the questionnaire show that subjects paid more attention to texts than images, which was inconsistent with the fixation findings. Moreover, attention paid to titles focused more on the meaning and lay out rather than the font type, while attention paid to images emphasized more on the content and meaning rather than the shape and form.


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