  • 期刊


A Case Report Regarding the Process and Efficiency of the Market Center Operated into Total Outsourcing in a Public Medical Center




商店街 整體外包


This is the first case of total outsourcing of the market center in a public medical center in Taiwan, It is a fine paradigm as it combines generating new ideas, new purchasing procedures and administrative style. It has also received the award of excellence from the National Biotech and Health Care Development Committee in 2001. Market center within hospitals is very common in Taiwan, nevertheless, it is different from outsourcing methods due to hospital capacity, location and operating strategies. A convenient store or general stole is sufficient to provide convenience in small hospitals, however, a more functional market center is necessary for patients in larger hospitals. Hospitals in downtown areas are easy to access local facilities; hence, a more functional market center within the hospitals may not be required for serving patients. Market center has three types of outsourcing methods including separated outsourcing and total outsourcing (including overall design and simple management total outsourcing) in Taiwan. The hospital market centers usually use price-oriented competition when outsourcing, as well as providing finished renovations for all rental spaces. All vendors can apply for rental space depending on individual business requirements. In this separated outsourcing model, hospitals must spend more manpower to manage rental matters, and it becomes difficult to maintain consistency across all stores in the market centers as each vendor may change the internal designs of the rental spaces. There are less total outsourcing cases found in Taiwan than separated outsourcing. It involves renting all stores' space in market center to one vender, as well as providing finished renovations for all rental spaces in simple total outsourcing. For overall design total outsourcing, it involves renting of all stores in the market center to one vendor who handles all aspects of management including store design, rental, and overall management. The role of the hospital is merely to establish a management consultant team to monitor the performance of market administration, Total outsourcing is a suitable method for public hospitals in Taiwan as it minimizes manpower, decreases government expenditure, as well as hospital administration cost.


Schweitzer S.O.()。


