  • 期刊


Implementation of Clinical Pathway in Femoral and Inguinal Hernia Repair



The research is designed to evaluate the effects of clinical pathway upon the average length of hospital stay and admission charges of the femoral and inguinal hernia repair patients under the case payment system. In the research, 340 cases of femoral and inguinal hernia repair from October 1997 to March of 1999 are collected. The 340 cases are divided into three periods: the FFS period (October 1997 to March 1998, N=98), the lead-in period (April 1998 to September 1998, N=114) and the post-implementation period (October 1998 to March 2000, N=126). After implementation of clinical pathway, the average length of hospital stay is significantly reduced, from 4.5 days in the FFS period to 2.4 days in the post-implementation period (46.7%, P<0.05); the average admission charges is reduced from NT$ 19,459 to 18,853 (3.1%,P>0.05). The research reveals that implementation of clinical pathway can reduce the average length of hospital stays and admission chargess.


The research is designed to evaluate the effects of clinical pathway upon the average length of hospital stay and admission charges of the femoral and inguinal hernia repair patients under the case payment system. In the research, 340 cases of femoral and inguinal hernia repair from October 1997 to March of 1999 are collected. The 340 cases are divided into three periods: the FFS period (October 1997 to March 1998, N=98), the lead-in period (April 1998 to September 1998, N=114) and the post-implementation period (October 1998 to March 2000, N=126). After implementation of clinical pathway, the average length of hospital stay is significantly reduced, from 4.5 days in the FFS period to 2.4 days in the post-implementation period (46.7%, P<0.05); the average admission charges is reduced from NT$ 19,459 to 18,853 (3.1%,P>0.05). The research reveals that implementation of clinical pathway can reduce the average length of hospital stays and admission chargess.


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