  • 期刊


Expecting a Successful Performance of Social Welfare: A Study of the Closing Issues and Alternatives of Life Reconstruction Service Centers in Nantou


南投縣生活重建服務中心是依據921震災重建暫行條例所設立,是921震災災後重建之重要組織,隨著暫行條例施行期間屆滿而終止。本研究以南投縣生活重建服務中心為研究主體,採取質性研究方法,立意選樣與滾雪球選樣選擇研究對象進行個別深度訪談與焦點團體,探討生活重建服務中心終止後可能產生之問題,並找尋能延續案主服務、傳承服務模式經驗、維持資源網絡與福利輸送體系之可行方式。 本研究發現分為三部分,在民眾社會福利輸送期待與需求方面歸納出八項需求;在福利體系方面,南投縣有地形崎嶇交通不便造成服務輸送不易、福利資源分佈不均、社會問題多元複雜等特殊問題;在服務供給方面,南投縣生活重建服務中心為基層社會福利輸送帶來專業社會工作人力,滿足民眾在社會福利輸送的期待與需求,解決福利體系之困難與問題,已經成為南投縣基層社會福利服務輸送的重要組織。 生活重建服務中心之終止將影響服務延續、經驗傳承、資源網路連結等問題,本研究探討了許多可能的因應方式,發現將原有組織延續是簡便而實際可行的方式之一,而要延續組織則牽涉「首長」、「人力」、「財源」、「制度」等四大因素,論述中對因應方式與影響因素皆有深入探討。基於上述研究發現,乃提出政策面與實務面之建議,並依據實行時程分為立即可行的建議及中長期建議,以期做為未來南投縣基層社會福利服務輸送之參考,並進而對於全台灣社會福利服務輸送有所貢獻。


Nantou County Life Reconstruction Service Centers were established according to the Provisional Statute for Post-921 Earthquake Reconstruction. These Centers have performed a vital role in community reconstruction after the 921 earthquake disaster in 1999. However, as the implementation period for the Provisional Statute is about to expire, these Centers are to close accordingly. Taking a qualitative research approach, this study examines the roles and functions of these Centers. In-depth interviews were carried out with individuals and focus groups selected by purposive sampling and snowball sampling. The potential problems that may arise after the closure of these Centers are explored, and viable alternatives are explored for providing services to the caseload in hand. In addition, suggestions are also proffered for carrying over the social work experiences in life reconstruction services as well as for maintaining the existing social service resources network and the welfare delivery system that have worked. The findings in this study can be grouped into three categories. First, concerning the residents' expectations and needs about the social welfare delivery system, eight needs are identified. Second, in regard to the welfare system, the rugged terrain of Nantou County has created a myriad of specialproblems, such as the difficulty in the delivery of services, the uneven distribution of welfare resources, and the various and complicated nature of social problems encountered, etc. Third, with reference to service supply, these Service Centers had been staffed with professional social workers to meet residents' expectations and needs. They have helped solving many hurdles and problems in the rural welfare system and thus become an important social service coordination organization in Nantou's basic-level social welfare delivery system. The closure of these Service Centers will bring forth problems such as service interruptions, obstacles to pass on the social work experience, and the break up of the social service resources network. This study explores many possible alternatives that may help carry on the functions of these Service Centers. One of such alternatives, which may prove to be most simple and practical, is to keep and extend the existing organizations. This strategy, however, also involves the four crucial issues of the ”head director”, ”manpower”, ”finance”, and ”system” in such an endeavor. This paper investigates in some depth into the solutions and the factors that may bear upon those solutions. Finally, on the basis of the research findings, the study comes up with suggestions about both policy and practice, and, in terms of implementation period, some of which are immediately applicable and some are for mid- and long-term considerations. Hopefully, these suggestions will prove to be valuable references in the future for the basic-level social welfare and service delivery system in Nantou as well as for the social welfare service delivery in Taiwan as a whole.




