

癲癇的原因很多,可概括的分為自發性及繼發性疾病。此外,正常腦組織對暫時性的生理壓力或全身性疾病所產生的自然反應進而造成的發作稱為反應性發作。腦電波圖則是用儀器將大腦表面腦細胞活動時所產生的電流活動記錄下來而得到的圖譜,在人類癲癇病患,腦電波圖檢查對癲癇的診斷、發作中心的定位及治療評估均很重要。而磁振攝影對顱內病變提供高解析度且非侵入性的影像診斷。因為發作是小動物醫學中最常見的神經系統疾病,犬癲癇的發生率在國外轉診教學醫院的統計為1%到2%,在國內犬隻癲癇維屬常見,但過去並未有相關的資料可資參考,因此本研究目的在建立台灣本土犬癲癇的初步基本資料,以提供臨床獸醫師正確診斷與治療之參考,同時建立犬腦電波圖診斷技術,以協助診斷犬癲癇及其他神經系統疾病。本次研究共收集臨床上有癲癇發作犬隻病例50例。在發作原因分類方面,以自發性癲癇最多(n=22,44%),其次為繼發性癲癇(n = 17,34%)及反應性質作(n=3,6%),有16%病因不明(n = 8)。發作型式以全身性強直─間代發作最常見。各病因組與體型大小及性別並無相關。繼發性癲癇之病因以中樞神經炎症最多(n = 7;40%),其次為腫瘤(n = 3;17%)、創傷(n=3;17%)、水腦症(n =2;13%)及代謝性疾病(n=2;13%)。造成反應性發作最常見的原因則為ivermectin中毒。




The causes of seizures include primary (idiopathic) and secondary epilepsy. If the seizures are a reaction of the normal brain to transient systemic insult or physiologic stresses, they are defined as reactive seizures. The electroencephalography (EEG) is a record of the spontaneous electrical activity of the cerebral cortex. EEG is important for diagnosis, localization and evaluation of treatment of patients with seizure disorders. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive and high quality diagnostic tool for intracranial diseases. Seizures are the most common neurologic disorder in small animal medicine. Between 1% to 2% cases of canine admissions of referral hospital abroad are for evaluation and treatment of seizures. Seizures are also common in Taiwan. The purpose of the study was to obtain information to aid clinicians in the diagnosis of epileptic seizures in dogs, and to establish EEG、MRI and necropsy protocol as routine diagnostic tools for seizure dogs and other neurological diseases. Fifty dogs were enrolled in the study. Of all dogs, 22 (44%) were classified as having primary epilepsy, 17 (34%) had secondary epilepsy, 3 (6%) had reactive seizures and etiologies of 8 dogs were unknown (16%). The most common seizure type was generalized tonic-clonic seizures (86%). Significant association between group classification and sex were not found. CNS inflammatory disease was the most common diagnosis for dogs with secondary epilepsy classification (n=7, 40%), next with brain tumor (n=3, 17%), trauma (n=3, 17%), hydrocephalus (n=2, 13%) and metabolic disease (n=2, 13%). Ivermectin toxicities represented the most common diagnosis in the reactive seizures.


Canine seizures
