  • 期刊


Class, Sexuality, Perversion: The Affection in "Division" in Shu Chang's Novels




舒暢 分斷 階級 性/別 婚家 性交易 底層外省人


In this essay I choose to analyze Shu Chang's novels from an alternative perspective of "division," a perspective adopted in order to grasp the realism in his works-especially those involved with "isolation" and "waiting" which, in explicit and implicit ways, reflected the historical reality of "division." Through these works Shu expresses an "isolation/waiting affective structure in the experience of division," focusing particularly on the male lower class waishengren's experiences of drifting through life in Taiwan lacking family ties. Through depicting such a strategy of survival in which both the subject's sex and sexuality are not located in a proper position as constructed by the family and the state, these stories show us the complexity of the conditions of marriage and family, trade in sex, and isolation. In fact, in many of his works, Shu queries the "marriage and family continuum" that constructed the basis of the family-state system. This is exactly the breakthrough achieved through the realism in Shu's novels: the experiences of ethnicity, class, sexuality, and so on, have never been "issues" that can be treated separately on their own; rather, these have always been intrinsic to the human being that exists with complex identities and thus displays "difference." Only through the perspective of sexuality, while situating Shu's novels back in the historical reality of "division" and looking at them as parts of a whole picture that consists of ethnicity, sexuality and class, can we grasp the characteristics of Shu's novels, and so understand what literary scholars have missed by ignoring these works for so many years.


朱天文(2008)〈致舒暢伯伯〉,舒暢著《那年在特約茶室》,7-14。台北:九    歌。
