  • 期刊


The Expansion of the Gender Factor in Antenatal Training and the Traditional Chinese Medicine Cognition Theory


胎教涉及道德的養成,本質上屬於社會問題而非醫學問題,但中醫卻介入。本文之目的在於探討中醫介入社會問題,其依據為何?且為何列於婦科之下?胎教內容有何重大拓展?歷史上哪些時期較不重視胎教理論?胎教對中醫理論認知的影響為何? 研究方法從對《胎產書》、《諸病源候論》、《千金方》、《婦人良方》等史料的疑惑切入,進一步以《黃帝內經》天人合一的精神,來說明胎教理論的依據,並以《禮記》、《女論語》《女界鐘》相關的正史史料、研究論著等,說明胎教被醫學重視、列入婦科、自重視男女氣質的培養拓展至道德培養、異族統治社會較不重視胎教的因素,最後評析胎教醫學對中醫理論認知之正面與負面的影響。 研究結果與結論,其一為胎教融入中醫理論具備適宜性,其二為胎教醫學在用藥上有偏向自然性的優勢,其三為男子在胎教角色上有忽視之虞,其四為塑造男女氣質違反了自然與人本的精神,第五則對外貌醜陋之人有歧視之虞。


胎教 性別 中醫理論


Antenatal training which involved in the moral problem is a social attribute, not a medicine attribute. The purpose of this essay is to explore the principle of the Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and gynecology involved in social problem. How to expand the antenatal training theory? In which period the society didn't pay attention to antenatal training? What is the influence of the antenatal training to TCM theory? The methods of the research are as follows, (1) to discover the theory in the three medicine books: ”Tai-Chan-Shu, Zhu-Bin-Yuan-Hou-Lun, Qian-Jin-Fang, Fu-Ren-Liang-Fang”, (2) according to the theory in ”Huang-Di Nei-Jing”, human is an integral part of nature, to illustrate the basic TCM theory of antenatal training, (3) based on the theories in the books ”Li-Ji, Nv-Lun-Yu, Nv-Jie-Zhong” and the related historical literature, illustrate the antenatal training, belongs to gynecology, is emphasized in TCM and the expansion of antenatal training form the temperament of gender to the morality. Alien regimes didn't value antenatal training, and (4) analysis of the effects of antenatal training to the theory of TCM. The results are as follows: (1) the suitable of the antenatal training assimilate into the TCM theory, (2) the natural medicine is used in antenatal training, (3) male's role is ignored in antenatal training, (4) it's violate the humanism to format the temperament of gender in antenatal training, and (5) the theory of antenatal training is prejudice to the ugly person.


Antenatal training Gender The theory of TCM
