  • 期刊


Critiquing the Critical Race Theory


「批判種族理論」(Critical Race Theory; CRT)泛指了學界、實務界及運動界對種族(race)和種族主義(racism)議題的反思與探索。三十餘年來,不管是在視角、觀點、方法,還是論證上,都對學界產生了深遠的影響。本文試圖從社會科學的角度,檢討這個源自於法學領域的理論方案。本文認為,批判種族理論提出了一套與傳統法學截然不同的觀點與方法論,並跨領域影響了教育、文化研究、公共政策等領域。惟發展二十多年以來,學派內外部都深切期待CRT 能在理論與方法上能夠有所開展,論者也紛紛尋求進一步跨界(interdisciplinary)、交錯(intersectional)的可能。對此,本研究提出「經驗批判種族理論」(EmpiriCrit; Empirical Critical Race Theory),主張未來CRT 可以和經驗研究進一步結合,以便能在理論爭辯與命題檢證上更臻完備。


Critical Race Theory (CRT) refers to a legal and political body of scholarship that aims to examine how legal traditions and political ideologies are used to produce and maintain conditions of social injustice. Contrary to the widely held belief that the law is neutral and objective, CRT argues that race and racism are deeply embedded in our legal and political system. Given that race and racism have already become the very foundation of the system, correctly identifying and labeling it is rather difficult. To overcome these difficulties, CRT established innovative methods, theoretical frameworks, and its basic tenets. This article critically analyses CRT's groundbreaking scholarship through the lens of social sciences. It begins by highlighting CRT's internal and external critiques and then discusses how CRT has evolved and developed from these intellectual debates. It turns to argue that, with the passage of time, CRT is approaching an intellectual bottleneck. One way to move forward is to further collaborate with the social sciences and in turn to create a new synergy, namely EmpiriCrit (Empirical Critical Race Theory). The achievement of social sciences is particularly useful for providing CRT with empirical data and analytical tools to further triangulate their core claims.


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Abel, Troy D. 2008, “Skewed Riskscapes and Environmental Injustice: A Case Study of Metropolitan St. Louis,” Environmental Management 42(2): 232-248.
Anguiano, Claudia, Tema Milstein and Iliana De Larkin et al. 2012, “Connecting Community Voices: Using a Latino/a Critical Race Theory Lens on Environmental Justice Advocacy,” Journal of International and Intercultural Communication 5(2): 124-143.
Applebaum, Barbara. 2010, “Race, Critical Race Theory and Whiteness,” in Penelope Peterson, Eva Baker and Barry McGaw eds., International Encyclopedia of Education. New York: Elsevier Science & Technology Books, pp. 36-43.
