

目的 富尼爾氏壞疽是男性為主的疾病,本文目的在於藉由過往十年的經驗,來界定富尼爾氏壞疽女性病人的特徵。 方法 回溯性回顧八個因富尼爾氏壞疽而住院接受手術的女性病人,收集關於病人特徵、病因、病程、細菌培養及治療的臨床資料。 結果 平均年齡為74.3歲,大部份源自於肛門直腸感染。糖尿病是主要的伴隨疾病。多種細菌的共同感染發生於大部份病人。半數病人呈現廣泛的感染。七位病人(87.5%)接受腸造口手術。死亡率為25%。 結論 女性富尼爾氏壞疽的臨床特徵和男性相似。然而,較多的女性接受造口手術。


富尼爾氏壞疽 女性 死亡率


Purpose. Fournier's gangrene is predominantly a disease of males. The present study reviews our 10-year experience with Fournier's gangrene in female patients. Methods. A retrospective review of 8 consecutive female patients with Fournier's gangrene was performed. Demographic characteristics, bacteriology study, and treatment results were recorded. Results. Mean age was 74.3 years (range, 54-96 years). Most cases of Fournier's gangrene originated from anorectal infections. Diabetes was the most common comorbid condition. Polymicrobial infection occurred in most patients. No predominant organism was found. Half of the patients had infection extending beyond the perianal and perineal regions. Seven (87.5%) patients received fecal diversion. The mortality rate was 25%. Conclusions. Fournier's gangrene occurred in females with a pattern similar to that in males. However, most female patients received fecal diversion.


Fournier's gangrene Female Mortality
