

目的 針對本院對於處理肛門異物進行分析探討。方法 從1990年7月至2010年4月,搜尋病歷診斷ICD9 937之病患,比較病人年齡及性別分析、肛門異物種類、處理方式及成因進行討論。結果 共19位肛門異物病患至本院求診,共14名男性及5名女性。其中以按摩棒最為常見。同時,有一大部份病人(36%)拒絕透露為何他們把異物放入肛門。大部份病例可以靠局部麻醉以手取出異物。大部份病人不須住院處理。結論 處理肛門異物的方式須根據物品不同的大小、形狀而有不同處理方式。快速且正確的處理可以改善預後而且避免不必要的併發症。


肛門 異物 處理


Background. The purpose of this study was to review the experience with retained colorectal foreign bodies at our hospital.Material and Methods. We retrospectively reviewed the medical records with a diagnosis of ICD9 code 937 at the emergency department of the Tri-service General Hospital from July 1990 through April 2010. Collected data, including patient demographics, extraction method, anesthesia method, and treatment, were analyzed.Results. Retained colorectal foreign bodies were observed in 19 patients, including 14 males and 5 females. Among the foreign bodies extracted, vibrators were the most common object encountered. A large number of our patients refused to explain why the foreign body had been inserted into the rectum. In most patients, the foreign body was removed manually by topical anesthesia. Most patients were discharged without requiring hospital admission.Conclusion. The technique for the safe extraction of a rectal foreign body usually depends on the size, shape, and contours of the foreign body. Prompt appropriate treatment by manual extraction, colonoscopy, or even surgery improves prognosis and prevents further complications.


Rectal Foreign bodies Management


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