



百日咳 院內感染


Pertussis is a highly contagious respiratory tract infection. It is transmitted by the route of aerosol or droplets at close range. A 3-month old male infant was admitted to a teaching hospital in central Taiwan on December 7, 2002, with the chief complaint of severe cough with cyanosis for two weeks prior to admission. The infant had not been given DPT vaccination. Under the impression of pertussis, erythromycin was prescribed. In the same room, there was a 4-month old female infant who had been hospitalized on December 6 as a result of cellulites, and was discharged on December 12. The first dose of DPT had been given one month prior to her admission. She started to have severe cough since December 31 that lasted for 3 weeks, and was admitted again. Her mother who cared for the baby in the hospital also had the paroxysmal cough about the same time. Because of the overlap in the hospital stay and in the same room with the index case, nosocomial pertussis was suspected. An investigation and all measures for infection control were initiated. Throat swab for cultures were obtained from all 8 family members of both infants. B. pertussis was isolated from the female infant and the mother and the aunt of the male infant. Pulse field gel electrophoresis was performed. The DNA fingerprints were nearly identical among the 3 isolates. The diagnosis of nosocomial pertussis was made. This infection could have been prevented if the index case had been isolated from the female infant and from his family. After the use of erythromycin, and respiratory isolation procedures for the female patient on the second hospitalization, there was no new case with pertussis-like symptoms.


pertussis nosocomial infection


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