  • 期刊


Improvement in Prophylactic Antibiotics Administration in Surgical Operations: Experiences in a Medical Center




Surgical wound infection prolongs hospitalization, increases medical expenses, and even leads to patients' death. Many studies have proven the efficacy of using preventive antibiotics to control surgical wound infection. The objective of this project was to improve the timeliness of the preventive antibiotics administration rate (within 15~30 min prior to surgery) in our institute. From October 17 to November 20, 2002, we used a checklist to investigate improvements in the effectiveness of the timeliness of the preventive antibiotics administration rate. The preventive antibiotics administration rate was 21.9% (124/566) before implementation of the quality control method. The major underlying causes included a poor employee consensus (42.1%), inconsistent preoperative preparation times (25.3%), and negligence by anesthesia nurses (17.6%). Three months after implementation of the quality control measures (including education, standard procedural development, and process reengineering), the timeliness of the preventive antibiotics administration rate had attained a level of 92% (523/571) at 1 year after implementation of the quality control method.
