  • 期刊

利用ISSR DNA分子標誌分析臺灣原生脈葉蘭屬植物之遺傳變異

Studies on the Genetic Variation of Nervilia spp. in Taiwan Based on Inter-Simple-Sequence-Repeated DNA Markers



本研究以收集自臺灣各地區脈葉蘭屬(Nervilia)5個物種共計56個收集系為材料,利用inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR)技術探討其遺傳變異與親緣關係。經將各56個收集系進行ISSR分析,由10條引子產生152個電泳條帶,其中共有92個多型性條帶,每一引子平均可得多型性條帶之比例為60.5%,再由92個多型性條帶中選出訊號較強且穩定之30個多型性條帶作為分子標誌。結果發現臺灣各地區5種脈葉蘭的56個收集系,其遺傳距離介於0-0.986之間,顯示族群間有很大的遺傳變異。利用分群分析可分得6大類群,單花脈葉蘭可明顯區分為3個類群,東亞脈葉蘭亦可分為2大類群,另紫花脈葉蘭1類群。紫花脈葉蘭之外表性狀並無明顯之差異,顯示其基因表現型在環境與遺傳物質的雙重交感下表現較為一致性,而蘭嶼脈葉蘭可歸入同一個類群。另古氏脈葉蘭則與單花脈葉蘭同歸為一類群。綜合上述ISSR分析結果,大致與其植物性狀之分群結果相符合。


蘭科 脈葉蘭 遺傳變異 ISSR分析。


The purpose of this study was to investigate genetic variation and relationships among 56 accessions of five Nervilia species native in Taiwan using ISSR DNA markers. The results were summarized as follows. The primers were prescreened with five represented accessions of Nervilia species, and 92 polymorphic bands out of 152 bands amplified by 10 primers were obtained. About 30 informative markers were chosen for the subsequent ISSR analysis. The similarity coefficients among accessions were ranged from 0 to 0.986, indicating high genetic variation of the population. Six clusters were classified according to cluster analysis. The results from the ISSR analysis were similar to those of the morphological characters.
