  • 期刊


Establishing the Platform of Polymorphic Markers for Rice


本研究針對5個臺灣常見的秈稉稻品種與1個大陸秈稻品種進行DNA多型性分析,目的在建立高密度多型性分子標幟平臺,以供未來水稻品種鑑別、基因圖譜定位及親緣關係探討等利用。分子標幟主要選用SSR(simple sequence repeats)、indel(insertion and deletion)與STS(sequence-tagged site)等進行品種間或亞種間多型性之探勘。共使用1167個分子標幟,涵蓋水稻基因組之遺傳距離1525.8 cM,平均密度達1.31 cM,結果發現有736個在6個品種中表現多型性,其中包含6個亞種內專一性標幟,多型性之比率約佔63%;進一步檢視亞種間及亞種內之分析結果,顯示秈稉亞種間有730個分子標幟具多型性,平均密度達2.09 cM,由於多型性分子標幟之密度已相當高,可供秈稉稻雜交分離子代之遺傳圖譜定位利用。在秈稻亞種內之分析結果,顯示密度平均為4.8cM,較之6個品種及亞種間的遺傳距離大。顯示由於亞種內親緣關係較近,使得多型性分子標幟之偵測在秈稻亞種內較少,惟分子標幟密度已相當高,應已足供秈稻雜交後代遺傳圖譜定位分析利用。至於稉稻間的多型性分子標幟之平均為13.27 cM,顯示由於稉稻因親緣接近,造成遺傳歧異度相對較低,尤其是多型性分子標幟分佈並不均勻。未來有待以更多分子標幟在多型性缺乏之染色體區域進行篩選以提高分子標幟密度,擴大資料的應用價值,並大幅降低多型性分子標幟篩選上所需投注之資源,提高國內相關研究之效率。


In order to establish the platform of high-density polymorphic markers in rice for application on variety identification, linkage mapping of gene (s), and phylogenetic analysis, polymorphic DNA fragments among 5 common indica and japonica varieties from Taiwan and one indica variety from Mainland China were investigated in this study. Three different kinds of molecular markers, SSR (simple sequence repeats), indel (insertion and deletion) and STS (sequencei-tagged site), were used for polymorphic markers mining among varieties and between sub-species. A total of 1,167 markers were selected in this study, covered 1525.8 cM on 12 chromosomes, with an average of 1.31 cM. There were 736 (63%) markers exhibiting polymorphism among 6 varieties, containing 6 inter subspieces specific polymorphism markers. Out of them, 730 polymorphic markers were uncovered between indica and japonica subspecies, with an average of 2.09 cM. This distance is relative dense and sufficient for linkage analysis of genes segregating in populations derived from crosses of indica and japonica varieties. The average distance of polymorphic markers among indica varieties was 4.8 cM, larger than those of among 6 varieties and between two subspecies, indicating a close genetic relationship and a fewer numbers of polymorphic markers. However, the polymorphic marker density was high enough for genetic linkage analyses of indica/ indica crosses. The average distance of polymorphic markers among japonica varieties was 13.27 cM, indicating that the genetic relationship of japonica varieties was very close and the genetic diversity of japonica varieties was relatively narrow so that polymorphic markers unevenly distributed in some chromosome segments. In the future works, regions with insufficient polymorphic markers will be explored and density of polymorphic markers will be extended simultaneously to provide the needed marker information for improving efficiency of the related studies.
