  • 期刊


Teach a Man to Fish, Feed Him for a Lifetime: Ecology, Life and Pedagogy


本文試圖將Van Lier (2004a)的ecological perspective(生態語言教育觀,戴2014暫譯),Van Manen (1992)教育契機(the tact of teaching)與「行動中的反思」,Kumaravadivelu (2003)「教育輪盤」(Pedagogic Wheel)和「教師的角色」(the roles of a teacher),以及戴(2014)所提出的生活與認知教學結合,並重新檢視生態語言教育觀賦予語言教育與師資培訓的新契機。筆者認同語言教育應提升為對大環境的體認,並提出「認知」為一種現象、一種行為與知識系統。首先,語言教育模式應訓練教師對生活中觀察、分析、體認與反思的能力,提升「注意的程度」(degrees of attention),進一步培養其突顯能力。一名懂得教育自己的教師便能更懂得如何從行動中創造反思機會,從生活中創造出教學的契機。我們所處的環境就造就了許多「教與學的意義可能性」(meaning potential),而個體(學習者或教師)對環境、生活的自覺以及感知能力就成了創造教育契機衍生的一個重要環節。


The article employs notions of ecological perspective (Van Lier 2004), the tact of teaching, reflection in action (Van Manen 1992), Kumaravadivelu’s Pedagogic Wheel and the roles of a teacher (2003), and Dai’s integration of life and cognitive pedagogy (2014). The author aims to re-examine the affordances of ecological perspective on shaping a new conceptual framework of pedagogy and teacher training. Pedagogy is theory in practice (Levine and Phipps 2011); as a result, we need to train pre-service and in-service teachers to re-conceptualize how we perceive the world into the classroom. The author advocates that a new paradigm of teacher training framework shall focus on an ethnographic observation method and enhance educators’ ability of reflection-in-action. Raising awareness on “degrees of attention” further cultivates educators’ insights on how best adopt and adapt meaningful authentic materials into the classroom. This ability creates more affordances and yields new meaning potential.


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