  • 期刊


A study of the Eight famous Monks of the Liang (502-534) and Tang (618-906) Dynasties by Liang Kai




樑楷 八高僧圖


Most of the Mainland China and Taiwan scholars considered the Eight famous Monks of the Liang and Tang Dynasties was painted by Liang Kai in the Song dynasty. Their reasons are as follows: 1. There is the signature of Liang Kai in the painting. 2. Because the signature of Liang Kai was too small, Qing Gaozong didn't find. Qing Gaozong thought the painting was painted by an unknown painter in the Song dynasty. But the composition of the painting shows features quite different from the widely accepted Liang Kai style. Therefore the study intends to discuss the real author of the painting. In order to find out the authorship of the painting, the study not only explores the autistic style of the painting, but also leads some textual research related to the painting. The study found that the Eight famous Monks of the Liang and Tang Dynasties was not painted by Liang Kai. The reasons being the following: 1. The painting was not done by one single painter. 2. The signature of Liang Kai was forged. 3. The composition of the painting had been cut and then reorganized. 4. The painting style does not correspond to the painting style of the Southern Song dynasty. The author thinks that it is very likely that the Eight famous Monks of the Liang and Tang Dynasties was painted in the Ming dynasty.


