  • 期刊


The Study on the Criteria of the Fundamental Network in the Ability-adaptive Learning System of the Community-Based Senior High Schools



本研究有下列三項研究目的:(1)建構高中職社區化「適性學習系統基礎網絡」成效指標之構面:(2)發展高中職社區化「適性學習系統基礎網絡」成效指標各構面之項目;(3)綜合結論提出高中職社區化「適性學習系統基礎網絡」成效指標。 本研究採用德懷術研究方法進行。首先,透過探討高中職社區化發展背景、政策法規、執行現況等文厭資料,建構高中職社區化「適性學習系統基礎網絡」的初步成效指標,並針對指標構面及指標項目的重要程度、適切程度編成五等量尺的問卷作為研究工具。其次對十二位專家群進行三次問卷調查,以確立指標構面及指標項目。結果得到八個指標構面,並細分為三十五個指標項目。 最後,本研究根據結論,分別對主管教育行政機關、高中職社區化合作學校、學校主辦人員、老師、學生及社區民眾等,提供實施高中職社區化的參考與建議。


The purposes of this research are in three aspects. They are: (1) Construction of the main domains in the performance criteria of the fundamental network of ability-adaptive learning system (FNCALS) in community-based senior high schools (CSHS), (2) Development of the items and contents within each category of the performance criteria of the FNCALS in CSHS, and (3) Proposition of the performance criteria of FNCALS in CSHS according to the research results. The Delphi method is employed in this research. First, preliminary performance criteria of the FNCALS in CSHS are established according to the investigations of literature on the policies and regulations of CSHS, and the current status of practicing in CSHS. The questionnaire in five measuring scales is used as the research tool, which is based on the importance and appropriateness of each domain and its related items of the performance criteria. Secondly, in order to obtain common agreement on the domains and its related items, 12 experts are invited to complete the questionnaire three times. Through statistical analysis, eight domains and 35 related items axe determined and established Finally, conclusions and suggestions are presented to the educational administration, faculties and students in senior high schools, and the community.
