  • 期刊


Factors Related to Sucking Ineffectiveness and Negative Behavior in Newborns


產後初期是建立成功哺餵母乳的關鍵時刻,若母親感覺嬰兒無法有效的吸吮母乳,有極高的比率將在產後幾週內停止哺乳(Matthews, 1991, 1993)。嬰兒的無效吸吮型態以及負向的吸吮行為乃導致母親早期停止哺乳的重要因素,此兩種與嬰兒有關的無效哺乳型態皆可能會減少嬰兒吸吮乳房的刺激而影響母親的乳汁分泌。本研究即在探索影響新生兒吸吮型態及吸吮行為的相關因素,採前瞻性研究設計,於北部某醫學中心進行收案,共收案280名健康足月生產之母嬰,使用結構式問卷調查於產婦住院期間蒐集第一次及第三天的哺乳資訊,包括嬰兒哺餵母乳評估工具(Infant Breastfeeding Assessment Tool)、嬰兒吸吮行為評估工具以及母親乳汁分泌感知評估工具(The Hill & Humenick Lactation Scale)。結果發現影響嬰兒吸吮的三個重要預測因子為嬰兒首次吸吮能力、哺乳前警醒程度、及母親乳汁分泌狀態。在嬰兒尚無法達到有效吸吮時,應教導母親持續維持泌乳的方法,並在適合的時機給予哺乳,以促使母親成功哺餵母乳。此研究結果可作為臨床上推展母乳哺育之參考。


Early postpartum is a critical period during which infants learn to attach and suckle properly. Any number of difficulties can cause a mother to feel that their babies are not doing well on the breast, which may contribute to the relatively high weaning rate reported during the first postpartum weeks (Matthews, 1991, 1993). The purpose of this study was to explore factors related to sucking patterns and behavior in healthy newborns. A prospective study was carried out at a medical center located in northern Taiwan. Two-hundred and eighty healthy mothers and their full-term, singleton infants were enrolled. We used structured questionnaires and observation to obtain breastfeeding data on the initial breastfeeding experience and on breastfeeding during the third day after birth. Tools included an infant breastfeeding assessment tool, infant sucking behavior assessment tool, and insufficient milk syndrome assessment tool (The Hill & Humenick Lactation Scale). Results identified three variables, namely 1) infant sucking ability at the initial incidence of breastfeeding, 2) infants level of alertness prior to breastfeeding, and 3) lactation perception of the mother, as predictors of infant sucking patterns and sucking behavior. Physicians should advise mothers how to breastfeed based on infant needs and teach mothers how to maintain milk supply until infants learn to suck more effectively. This study can be applied to help physicians promote breast-feeding more effectively.


