  • 期刊

A Study of Social Support and Group Cohesion in Exercise Compliance Behavior of Arthritic Patients



目的:第一檢視社會支持及團體凝聚力對因健康理由而需運動的關節炎患者其遵醫囑運動行為的所扮演的角色。第二、從運動課程結業者與中途退出者中探討社會支持及團體凝聚力對遵醫囑運動行為是否具有預測力。 受試者:50名關節炎患者參加12週,每週兩次的運動復健課程,並在第四週完成社會支持及團體凝聚力測量問卷。 工具:臨床性的社會支持量表改編於Richman and Hardy (1993)的量表,有八個面向。團體凝聚力量表則改編於Carron and Spink's (1993)的GEQ表量,共四個面向。 方法:出席率與中途退出當作評估遵醫囑行為的指標。區分函數用來區分高、低出席率。典型相關用來測出解釋變異力。各分量表分析用來觀察預測變項的交互作用。 結果:社會支持及團體凝聚力都能成功的預測遵醫囑行為。有三個因子能成功預測高低出席率,即團體對個體的吸引力-任務與社會支持量表的實質幫助因子和高出席率有正面相關,社會支持量表的情緒挑戰因子與低出席率有高相關(Wilks' λ=542,χ^2(3)=12.65,p=0.002)。另有三個因子能成功預測結業者、中途退出者,即團體對個體的吸引力-任務、與社會支持量表中的實質幫助因子以及實境確認(Wilks' λ=723,χ^2(3)=9.95,p=.03)。


Purposes: The main purpose of the present study attempts to examine the role of social support and group cohesion in the exercise adherence of arthritic patients who are required to exercise for health-related reasons. A secondary objective of this study was to examine whether compliance behavior in an exercise setting between graduates and dropouts could be predicted by the perception of group cohesion and social support. Participants: 50 Arthritic patients took part in a 12-week exercise program tailored for arthritis, twice a week and were asked to complete questionnaires to assess cohesion and social support at the fourth week. Measurement tools: The Social Support Survey-Clinic Form (SSS-C) was modified from Richman & Hardy (1993) and was used to measure the perception of social support. SSS-C contains eight domains: Listening support, Task appreciation, Task challenge, Emotional support, Emotional challenge, Reality confirmation, Tangible assistance, and Personal assistance. Group Environment Questionnaire for Exercise Setting (GEQ-E) was modified from Carron and Spink's (1993) GEQ and, was used to measure the perception of group cohesion and consisted of 4 domains: GI-Task, GI-Social, ATG-Task and ATG-Social. Methods: Compliance behavior was assessed as attendance and dropout behavior. Discriminant function analysis was used to discriminate between high and low attendance as well as between dropouts and adherers. The canonical correlation was used to account for explained variance in compliance behavior. A subsets analysis was done to consider all interactions of the predictor variables. Results: Group cohesion and social support variables are both found to be successful predictors of compliance behavior. Three factors which differentiate between the high and low attendance groups were ATG-Task of GEQ-E and Tangible assistance of SSS-C involving with high attendance and Emotional challenge of SSS-C involving with low attendance (Wilks' λ=542, χ^2(3)=12.65, p=0.002). Significant differences in 3 factors which differentiate between the adherer and dropout groups were consisted of ATG-Task of GEQ-E and Tangible assistance and Reality confirmation of SSS-C (Wilks' λ=723, χ^2(3)=9.95, p=.03).


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