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Strengthened Aerobic Exercise Ability in Adiponectin R1 Transgenic Mice




Free fatty acid is an important energy source during the aerobic exercise. Adiponectin is a protein hormone produced and secreted exclusively by adipocytes. It regulates the metabolism of lipids and glucose. Some studies believed that adiponectin might be related to exercise. Because, exercise training increased circulating adiponectin levels and its receptor express. Moreover, adiponectin levels were modulated in response to difference kinds of exercise. Counter to these opinions, some studies considered that adiponectin might be not related to exercise because aerobic exercise did not alter plasma adiponectin levels. All of these studies showed different opinions about the effect of exercise on adiponectin levels. However, whether expression of adiponectin receptor affects exercise ability is still unclear? Purpose: To study the role of adiponectin R1 receptor in regulating aerobic exercise ability using adiponectin R1 transgenic mice model. Methods: Adiponectin R1 transgenic mice have been used to study effect of adiponectin R1 receptor on aerobic exercise ability of mice. Using PhysioScan system and treadmill, the VO(subscript 2max) and maximum running time were measured and then statically analyzed by t-test between transgenic mice and wild type mice. Results: Adiponectin R1 transgenic (Tg) mice performed better aerobic exercise ability than wild-type mice (Wt) because the former Tg showed significantly increased VO(subscript 2max) and maximum running speed than the latter Wt. Conclusion: Our data suggested that adiponectin R1 receptor might be involved in performance of aerobic exercise ability in mice.


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