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The Cultural and Institutional Dynamics of Global Democratization a Synthesis of Mass Experience and Congruence Theory


This essay offers a comprehensive account of the current wave of global democratization by examining the democratic changes that have taken place in both the political institutions and mass citizenries of new democracies in Africa, East Asia, Latin America, and New Europe. After reviewing previous research findings on the breadth and depth of institutional and cultural democratization, the essay analyzes their relationships with factual data and public opinion surveys. Analyses of four regional barometer surveys reveal that new democracies in three of the four regions confront the problem of low popular demand for democracy. On the basis of this finding, the essay concludes that the embrace of democracy as ”the only game in town” is a first step, not a last step, toward the democratization of mass citizenries.




Voice of the People 2005
How Freedom is Won: From Civic Resistance to Durable Democracy
Thomas Carothers(1999).Aiding Democracy Abroad: The Learning Curve.Washington, DC:Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
Richard Rose,William Mishler,Christian Haerpfer(1998).Democracy and Its Alternatives: Understanding Post-Communist Societies.Baltimore, MD:Johns Hopkins Press.
Gabriel Almond,Sidney Verba(1963).The Civic Culture: Political Attitudes in Five Western Democracies.Princeton, NJ:Princeton University Press.
