  • 期刊

能動性、相對正義與教育的公共善-Amartya Sen的能理取向理論及其批評

Agency, relative justice, and educational public goods-Amartya Sen's capability approach theory and its criticism


面對全球化競爭,大學教育顯得過度服膺產業需求以及就業職能訓練等外在目的,使得學校教育逐漸喪失原有的博雅教育傳統,也較不重視大學對於促進社會正義與公共善應有的責任。在此一脈絡下,本文以將探討Amartya Sen 的「能力取向理論」,首先將說明Sen主張社會正義的相對比較架構主張,其次闡述能力取向理論的核心概念,並指出回歸「公共善」的教育出路。最後,本文將分析羅爾斯陣營的回應與批評,期以完整呈現Sen能力取向理論內涵、應用價值與可能局限。


沈恩 社會正義 能力取向 能動性 公共善


For the purpose of strengthening global competitiveness, universities in Taiwan overemphasize instrumental/external purposes, such as industrial demand or employment function training, which make universities gradually keep away their liberal arts education (Bildung) tradition, and pay less attention for the responsibility of social justice and public goods . Under this context, this paper is based on Amartya Sen's capability approach theory (CA theory) to inquiry Sen's relative comparative framework of social justice, to illustrate core concepts of CA theory and to indicate a way of revitalizing universities' responsibility for social justice and public goods. At the end the paper, the author also discusses the challenge and criticism from Rawlsian camp to present possible limitations of Sen's CA theory.
