  • 期刊


The Methodology and Tools of Crisis Detection


任何危險識別(Hazard Identification)的方法都可能作為非常實用的狀況分析工具。本文將以六項工具作為狀況分析的主軸,這些工具包括:危機索引檢核表、假設狀況法、情境程序法、邏輯圖表法、變化分析及因果法等。目的在於運用危機偵測之藝術與科學,以辨認有可能導致危機之各種原因,進而運用預防策略將這些原因移除或控制,以確保組織各項任務之成功。本文以危機偵側的方法及工具作為探討主軸,希望組織能運用這些工具發現早期的警告,事先知道危機發生的可能性,並且採取行動來避免危機發生。


Any method for hazard identification can be used situation analysis practically. This study focused on six tools for situation analysis which were as following: Crisis Index Checklist, The What If Tool, Scenario Process, Logic Diagram, The Change Analysis, and The Cause and Effect Tool. The goal of crisis detection is an art and science, to identify possible causes which might cause crisis outbreak, thus, to implement preventive strategies to remove or put it under control in order to ensure all operations can be performed as expected. This study focus on exploring crisis identification tools and methods which made organization can implement those tools to generate early warnings, realize crisis outbreak possibilities, and undertake countermeasures to prevent it from happening.


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