  • 期刊

Taxonomic Reconsideration of Calamus rivalis Thw. ex Trim. and C. metzianus Schlecht (Arecaceae) through Morphometric and Molecular Analyses

由形態學及分子分析對Calamus rivalis Thw. ex Trim.及C. metzianus Schlecht (Arecaceae)分類學之重新評估


對分佈於印度及斯里蘭卡之兩種具破壞力之植物種的族群以隨機放大之多型性DNA標誌(RAPD)及形態特性加以分析。RAPD使用10個decamer之引子(primer)得到共117個標示(markers)其中95%具多型性。兩個族群之間之多型性基因位(loci)其百分比範圍為26.5到68.38;而基因距離為0.05到0.28。族群內之變異大於族群間之變異。上述結果顯示單一物種之存在;因此Calamus rivalis可以併入C. metzianus。


Molecular and morphometric analyses of different Indian and Sri Lankan populations of two rattan species (Calamus rivalis and C. metzianus) were carried out using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers and morphological characters. Multivariate analysis of RAPD and morphological data failed to separate these populations into two distinct species. RAPDs generated a total of 117 markers with 10 decamer primers, of which 95 percent were polymorphic. The percentage of polymorphic loci between populations varied from 26.5 to 68.38, and genetic distance between populations ranged from 0.05 to 0.28. The genetic variation within populations was greater than the variation among populations. Both the RAPD and morphometric data suggest the existence of a single species, and hence C. rivalis can be merged to C. metzianus.


Calamus Dendrogram Genetic diversity RAPD


