  • 期刊


The New Culture with High Quality of Student Basketball: Researching into the Basketball Team of NKNU from the Mascot Totem Tai-Chi-Kuei




UBA 太極龜 圖騰 學生籃球 全人教育


National Kaohsiung Normal University, located at south of Taiwan, established its basketball team in 2003 in order to carry forward the idea of the culture with high quality. In 2004, they recruited those who were really good at basketball and won the championship of University Basketball Association(UBA) minor league. Up to now, the best result is the first runner-up of first league in 2014. The mascot- Tai-Chi-Kuei represents the core value in the basketball team of NKNU. The research discusses the component element's meaning of the totem- Tai-Chi-Kuei and the influence on the development of the basketball team in literature analysis and historical method. The research suggests that Tai-Chi-Kuei symbolizes holistic education of members and lays equally stress on both study and skill. Based on this core value and students' basketball positions, besides specific technical training and specialized knowledge, the team develops the following activities: the learning tour of caring basketball, the class to enhance English, the study group, and the class of educational theory. You can see the specific target and ways on each activity and realize that members gained a lot of profits and possible influences in the future from joining these activities. With the training and the education of the basketball team of NKNU, members can find their own positions and be on their right track no matter whether engaging in the job about education or basketball after graduation. Hope the research can not only be an enlightenment of school team, emphasize on the balance of the specialized training and holistic education, and return to the essence of student, but also set up a high-quality culture for student basketball.


UBA Tai-Chi-Kuei totem student basketball holistic education


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大專學生運動網,〈UBA 大專籃球運動聯賽〉,http://www.ssu.org.tw/games/game_info.php?id=2, 2014年2月23日檢索。
倪芝蓉,〈固定讀書會,高師大盼養文武雙才〉,《TSNA 專業體運新聞團隊》,2013 年11 月21 日,http://www.tsna.com.tw/index.php?q=node/47476, 2014 年5 月28 日檢索。
國立高雄師範大學太極龜籃球隊,〈太極龜籃球家族理念〉,http://teach.nknu.edu.tw/jones3532/UntitledFrameset-8.html, 2014年2 月25 日檢索。


