  • 期刊


The Power Construction on Basketball Courts from the Viewpoints of Michel Foucault


傅柯(Michel Foucault 1926-1984)在1970 年代早期開始,曾對西方當代社會制度之監視制度與權力關係做了深入分析與批判;認為權力概念是一種權力關係的運作,所以論述的是一種權力的解析法,用一種分析的手段,界定權力形成的具體領域,並分析其可能,幫助我們瞭解與掌控權力的動向。傅柯權力觀點,出現了兩種互為連接的形式:一是「規訓」、二是「調節控制」。在分析規訓權力的過程中,必須瞭解權力如何透過各種規訓技術,促進個人身體的「理性化」。在研究權力的過程中,不能只看制度性的權力或階級權力,而忽略日常生活中綿密的微視權力網絡。權力的布署滲透至我們的日常生活中。權力建構現象也普遍存在於運動場上,教練、球員及裁判會由於認知不同、目標不同、價值觀差異等等因素,造成雙方在觀念上和作法上的不一致而形成衝突。這樣的衝突乃是因為權力相互配置,且不對等的狀況中所建構出來的,因而產生權力的牽制與宰制。根據上述的觀點,本文試圖解析籃球場中所解構出的權力互動,並針對籃球場中的基礎三角關係(球員、教練、裁判)進行微視權力的解析,輔以實際案例,以瞭解三者間權力分配與相互牽制的過程與結構。


籃球 權力建構 傅柯


Since early 1970s, Michel Foucault (1926-1984) had conducted a thorough analysis and criticism on the surveillance system of the contemporary social system in western societies and the relation of power. He conceptualized power as working of Power Relations, leading to his discourse on the analysis of Power. The theory defines the actual domain of the formation of Power and the possibility for understanding and tracing how Power flows. Foucault's view on Power falls into two interconnected categories: Discipline and Regulatory Controls. In analyzing Discipline, one must investigate the way Power is involved in "rationalizing" body by all kinds of techniques of discipline. For investigating Power, one should not focus on the systematic Power or its role in social classes while neglect the network of the dispersed micro- power in daily life, for the reason that the Dispositif of Power has pervaded every aspect of daily life. Likewise, the construction of Power is ubiquitous in the field of sport, where conflicts are aroused due to the disparity in value and action between coaches, players, and judges, as each individual holds different cognition, goal and value. The conflict of such takes place when Power is restricted and governed after disposed in an unequal status. This study probes into the phenomena of power structure on basketball courts and the power interaction constructed in games. This study also attempts to figure out the process and construction of power distribution and power enslavement by analyzing the triangular relationships among players, coaches, and referees. The results of this study show that during the process of competition and training, the differences among the cognition, goals, and values in the triangular relationships cause conflicts in concepts and practices. These conflicts result from the inequality of mutual configuration and then lead to power enslaving and domination.


Michel Foucault power interaction basketball


ET today 東森新聞雲,〈SBL 多爭議判決 邱大宗:裁判要嚴格、不要模糊〉,http://sports.ettoday.net/news/624013, 2016 年2 月18 日檢索。
ET today 東森新聞雲,〈瓊斯盃/菲律賓濺血「俄」戰 俄教頭:裁判應提早制止〉,http://sports.ettoday.net/news/558238, 2016年2 月18 日檢索。
