  • 期刊


Taiwan's College Basketball Spicy Tornado: "Old Sichuan" Case Study


老四川麻辣火鍋與大專籃球(UBA),近年來漸漸緊密結合在一起,該企業藉由贊助大專公開第一級球隊,及舉辦「老四川大專籃球邀請賽」國內籃球比賽,為國內籃球注入不同的運動文化,已引起籃球圈及媒體報導的話題。本研究以訪談的方式,藉由訪談經營者、行銷者及相關人員,進而瞭解贊助背景、贊助方式、行銷手法、贊助效益等研究目的。研究結果有以下幾點發現:1.小型連鎖企業贊助籃球的模式,已經讓「老四川」這個品牌跟籃球產生連結,進而改變大專籃球的文化;2.藉由媒體增加企業曝光率,小額資本的付出,贊助球隊,實為企業內部的核心理念;3.比賽獎金制度的改變,落實主客場制的文化,發展球隊特色及球迷的向心力,大專籃球的文化因老四川而有所改變。大專籃球就是老四川最好的代言。老四川的成功經營活絡了大專籃球文化,讓UBA 與其他聯賽之間不再有落差,球員有其他發揮球技的舞臺,配合媒體及球衣掛名以及場邊活動的行銷方式,讓大專籃球漸漸的在學生籃球文化更加有特色及鮮明。


UBA 老四川


Old Sichuan hotpot and college basketball (UBA) have connected closely in recent years. The company sponsored college teams, and organized the "old Sichuan Cup" national basketball tournament brought different sports culture and media coverage. This study aims to explore the background, ways, and effectiveness of sponsorship and marketing through the interviews with operators, marketers and related personnel. The results are as follows: first, a small chain of corporate sponsors basketball team model has combined the brand "old Sichuan" and the basketball team, and then change the culture of college basketball; second, the company's core concept is using few budget to support the basketball team, however, it gains more exposure with the media in return; third, because of the "old Sichuan", the game's bonus system has been changed, and the culture of home team has been rooted in both players and fans mind. UBA is the best endorsement of old Sichuan. Successful operation of the old Sichuan has activated the college basketball culture, and there is no gap between the UBA and other leagues. With the media and other marketing promotion, not only the players get a better stage to perform themselves, the college students' basketball has become more distinctive.


UBA Old Sichuan


Facebook 老四川籃球邀請賽官方社團,http://zh-tw.facebook.com/pages/%E8%80%81%E5%9B%9B%E5%B7%9D%E5%A4%A7%E5%B0%88%E7%B1%83%E7%90%83%E9%82%80%E8%AB%8B%E8%B3%BD, 2014 年7 月21 日檢索。
大專體總官網,http://www.oldsichuan.com.tw/about_02.aspx, 2014年7 月21 日檢索。
Ukman, L.(1996).IEG's Complete Guide to Sponsorship.IL:IEG.
