  • 期刊


Mr. Pan Chonggui's Study of the Book of Songs




潘重規 潘石禪 詩經


The Book of Songs was studied by Chen Qiyuan, Hu Chengjuan, Ma Ruichen and Chen Huang in the Qing Dynasty. It has made brilliant achievements in both the content of poems and the exegesis of names and objects. In 1919, the May 4th Movement which attempted to overthrow traditional culture took place in China. Its momentum was so great that Confucianism faced unprecedented severe challenges. Scholars such as Zhang Taiyan and Huang Jigang spared no effort to carry forward traditional culture in the harsh environment of the invasion of Western academics and the decline of Chinese academics. Three disciples of Zhang Huang's studies, Lin Yin, Gaoming and Pan Chonggui, moved to Taiwan with the Kuomintang government. Among them, Mr. Pan Chonggui studied the Book of Songs best. Mr. Pan not only spared no effort to maintain the status of the Book of Songs, but also clarified the important issues such as the preservation or abolition of the Preface of Poetry (Shixu), which consolidated the characteristics of sinologists' textual criticism. At the same time, he made full use of Dunhuang academic materials, that is to say, to compare the popular characters of the Six Dynasties and the handwritten materials of the Tang Dynasty with the Book of Songs, so that the study of the Book of Songs entered a broader road. This article aims at discussing Mr. Pan Chonggui's theory on the Book of Songs in order to evaluate his achievements and contributions reasonably.


Pan Chonggui Pan Shizen the Book of Songs


(唐)魏徵:《隋書》(臺北:鼎文書局,1990 年)
(唐)陸德明:《經典釋文》(臺北:漢京文化事業出版公司,1980 年)
(宋)程頤、程顥:《二程遺書》(影印文淵閣四庫全書本,臺北:商務印書館,1970 年)
(宋)朱熹:《詩序辨說》(叢書集成新編,臺北:新文豐出版社,1985 年)
(宋)程大昌:《考古編》(叢書集成新編,臺北:新文豐出版社,1985 年)

