  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of Caring for Children with Lissencephaly Who Have Acute Urinary Tract Infection Using Watson's Theory of Human Caring


本文旨在探討一位2歲11個月罹患急性泌尿道感染之平腦症幼童的護理經驗。急性泌尿道感染雖是個案此次住院的原因,但罹患平腦症且伴隨發展遲緩的相關護理問題,亦是案母於照護個案時所面臨最大的挑戰及壓力。筆者於2015年6月7日至 2015年6月12日,運用觀察、身體評估、會談等方式收集資料,確立個案主要護理問題為恐懼與潛在危險性跌倒;案母的主要健康問題是照顧者角色緊張及慢性悲傷。運用Watson關懷理論作為護理措施指引,評估個案及案母的身、心、社會及靈性層面之需求,進而減輕個案住院的恐懼,以及增進案母照護個案的信心及能力。傾聽案母對於個案的身體處於逐漸惡化之慢性悲傷的感受,以及提供相關因應策略。期望藉此照護經驗之分享,有助提升育有罕見疾病的病童及其家庭之照護品質。


The main purpose of this study was to explore the nursing experience of caring for a 2- year and 11-month old child with lissencephaly who presented with acute urinary tract infection. Although acute urinary tract infection was the main reason for the patient to be hospitalised, problems as the result from lissencephaly and developmental delay were also the biggest challenge and pressure to the patient’s mother and family members when taking care of the patient. From June 7 to June 12, 2015, the author used methods such as observations, physical assessment, and interviews to collect data and confirmed that the major nursing problem was fear of potential risk for falls. The nursing problems to primary caregiver were role strain of the caregiver and chronic sorrow. This study applied Watson’s theory of human caring as the nursing guideline to evaluate the physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs of the patient and the patient’s mother in order to reduce the patient’s fear for hospitalization and increase the mother’s confidence and ability in taking care of the patient. The author listened to the mother’s feeling of chronic sorrow about her child’s physical deterioration gradually and provided useful countermeasures. Hopefully, this reportof the nursing experience may help improve the quality of care for chronic childhood disability and their families.
