  • 期刊


A Study on the Extent of Spectator Identification toward Corporate Sponsorship in 2006 Intercontinental Baseball Game


本研究從消費者的角度探討2006年洲際盃棒球錦標賽之贊助效益,目的:爲暸解2006年洲際盃棒球錦標賽之現場觀眾人口背景變項之分佈情形、現場觀眾辨識賽會贊助企業之能力、瞭解賽會贊助企業之廣告辨識效益。方法:以2006年洲際盃棒球賽(2006年11月9日至2006年11月19日)之現場觀眾爲研究對象,採現場問卷施測,並以便利取樣的方式進行,共發出458份問卷,有效問卷問卷410份,有效問卷回收率爲89.5%。回收問卷使用SPSS10.0統計軟體,經複選題分析與描述性統計進行資料分析,並得到以下結果: (一)2006年洲際盃棒球賽現場觀眾以男性居多,約佔71.7%,年齡介於21~28歲,具大專學歷者爲主,月收入多在15,000元(含)以下。在棒球比賽之現場觀眾研究中,洲際盃棒球賽之觀眾平均教育程度與平均月收入較中華職棒之觀眾爲高。 (二)台灣大哥大爲現場觀眾成功辨識度最高的贊助企業。 (三)贊助企業之辨識效益中,以辨識人數與辨識百分比來看,前三名的贊助企業爲:台灣大哥大(332人,81%)、賀寶芙(235人,57.3%)與美津濃(229人,55.9%),至於其餘9家贊助企業的被成功辨識度皆未達五成。依每面廣告看板之平均被辨識人數來看,前三名的贊助企業爲:ESPN(200人/塊)、養樂多(102人/塊)、大金空調(82人/塊),反觀台灣大哥大則以33.2人/塊位居最後。 (四)台灣大哥大及賀寶芙透過現場攤位擺設、記者會廣告背板曝光,賀寶芙出動員工加油團並於觀眾席區進行現場觀眾訪問、台灣大哥大於現場分送紀念品及製作注意飛球警示牌等行銷活動,有效提高現場觀眾的辨識效果。 (五)若企業想以較低的成本,收到較高的效益,本研究建議贊助企業以購買1~2塊廣告看板爲原則,如訴求對象爲現場觀眾者建議購買外野爲之廣告看板,訴求對象爲電視轉播觀眾者,可考慮購買本壘後方之廣告看板。


This study discusses the sponsorship benefit of 2006 Intercontinental Cup Basketball Game in terms of consumer perspective. The purpose for the study was to explore the demographical distribution of spectators, extent to which spectators identify the corporate sponsorship, and the advertising effect of sponsorship. Spectators participating in the 2006 Intercontinental Cup Basketball Game were distributed with questionnaires by randomly sampling during the game period from Nov. 9(superscript th) to 19(superscript th), 2006. 458 questionnaires were allotted and 410 were valid responses corresponding with an 89.5% of return rate. The gather data were then analyzed by SPSS 10.0 with multiple question analysis and descriptive statistics. The results of the study indicate that: 1. Most of 2006 Intercontinental Cup Basketball Game spectators were male (71.7%), ages between 21-28 with university background and with monthly income less than 15,000. The average education and monthly income level of 2006 Intercontinental Cup Basketball Game spectators was higher than that of Chinese Professional Baseball Association. 2. Taiwan Mobile was the most identified corporate sponsoring the event. 3. In the ranking of corporate identifying effectiveness based on spectator number and percentage, the first three corporate were: Taiwan Mobile (N=332, 81%), Herbalife (N=235, 57.3%), Mizuno (N=229, 55.9%) while the rest of corporate did not reach to 50%. In accordance with the identification to each piece of advertising board in terms of spectator number, the first three corporate were: ESPN (N=200/per piece), Yakult (N=102/per piece), Daikin air conditioner (N=82/per piece) while Taiwan Mobile ranked the last with N=33.2/per piece. 4. Via the on-site booth service, exposure on the background board in press conference, sending employee supporting team and interviewing spectators on the seats, giving away souvenir and providing caution signs, Taiwan Mobile and Herbalife successfully increase the effectiveness of brand identification. 5. If corporate desire to achieve higher effectiveness by lower cost, this study suggests corporate to purchase 1-2 advertising boards based on spectator spectating behaviors, such as purchasing a outfield board for on-site spectators, and adverting board behind home base for television spectators.


